You're not going to find Masterwork War Bows in Brytenwalda loaded with +3 khergit or bodkin arrows, much less the +12 steel arrows found in Floris or the +8 shield-penetrating steel bolts in Light & Darkness. On the open battlefield, we can't just bulldoze everything with Mamluke and Slaver Chief cavalry like we could in Native Warband. Troops trees emphasize infantry and skirmishers more than cavalry. Even early on, there are some pretty scary mobs getting about that make Native Sea Raiders seem like wusses (Frankish and Dena Raiders).īy default, this mod has quite a few hardcore features switched to 'on' in its Options menu, such as breakable weapons, fatigue, falling over, bleeding, legshots, decapitation, drowning and armor penalties. Heavy armor penalizes Power Strike and Power Draw, but offers much more protection than in Native Warband. For example, archers will strafe and backpedal, making them harder to pin down. Combat is much more realistic than most other mods.